Submission Deadline: March 21 – Metchosin Artpod presents Air [Elements Series], Feb 7 – Mar 21, 2025: Our Place in the Atmosphere
AIR: Our Place In The Atmosphere
Exhibition Dates: Apr 4 – May 25
Gallery Hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11 – 4 pm
Deadline for Submissions: March 21 (results March 24)
Opening Gala: Apr 5, 2-4 pm
Curatorial Team: Irene Ives, Kim Money
Juror: Samantha Dickie
Workshop: TBA

In observation of World Earth Day, ArtPod invites submissions to our annual show exploring one of the four elements. This year, we ask artists to interpret the physically constant but shapeless presence we call AIR. Though invisible, it can be as subtle as a whisper, a breath, a breeze, or as impactful as a destructive weather event. It is both necessary to life, and yet able to end it. AIR is the gaseous mixture that forms the earth’s atmosphere, surrounding our planet in a 6,000-mile thick protective blanket held in place by gravitational forces. Human activity puts our atmosphere at risk, and each year, we release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than natural processes can remove, leading to global warming. And so we ask: What is the role of art, and the artist in the face of climate change? Can we both celebrate AIR as a fundamental life force while communicating its fragility? Can our art be an instrument of change?